Beware: Unregistered pharmacists to serve three-year jail, Rs1m fine – Pakistan

The government has decided to tighten the noose against unregistered pharmacists as amendments proposed in the Pharmacy Act 1967 suggest they would be jailed for three years with a fine of Rs1 million.

Incorporation of 21 new amendments have been proposed in the Act to revitalize the health sector and ensuring public safety.

As per the draft of proposed amendments read by SAMAA TV, there will be a fine of Rs 1million in addition to three-year imprisonment for running a pharmacy and practicing sans registration.

The pharmacy councils at the provincial level will be empowered.

According to the draft, all pharmacy teaching institutions will require a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan while the related authority will renew licenses of pharmacists every three year.

#Beware #Unregistered #pharmacists #serve #threeyear #jail #Rs1m #fine #Pakistan

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